Wednesday 24 October 2007

London Games Fringe

OK Folks - so we don't live in London so probably won't get to many of these ...but, some are being hosted via Facebook so could be worth a look. The Soho Project looks particularly good as it invites you to 'make your own reality game online..'
Enjoy :o)

Friday 5 October 2007

Simple, portable, pocket sized wiki...

Need a wiki, don't have a server then this is for you! TiddlyWiki is a pocket sized, single HTML file wiki which you can carry around with you on a memory stick. It's really easy to use and has some very good functions considering it is all written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
The author of this systems describes it as:

"A TiddlyWiki is like a blog because it's divided up into neat little chunks (tiddlers), but it encourages you to read it by hyperlinking rather than sequentially: if you like, a non-linear blog analogue that binds the individual microcontent items into a cohesive whole. I think that TiddlyWiki represents a novel medium for writing, and will promote its own distinctive Writing Style." (See Wikipedia)

Thursday 4 October 2007

More pixel art by eboy

Pixel Art of London, New York and Berlin. Very creative.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Pixel Art of web 2.0 by eboy

An amazing piece of pixel computer art by eboy. How many websites can you find?

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Monday 1 October 2007

Useful Font Site

As well as offering fonts for download (yes, some are free), identifont also allows you to look up and identify typefaces - genius!