Thursday 6 September 2007

16th International Panoramic Conference; University of Plymouth

I attended the final day of this very inspiring conference yesterday. It was organised through INNOVATE - The Centre for Creative Industries at the University of Plymouth.

Presentations included a fascinating 'panomorfosis table' - an art installation based on anamorphic art where a distorted image (in this case, video) becomes clear through viewing it on a reflective tube. (Aldo Hoeben from fieldOfView) Anotherof his installations consisted of an illuminated tent with a projected panoramic image.

Martin Woolner from Innovate presented 'Project Imago' - a panoramic collections viewer/ cms system enabling curators to show little seen museum collections, complete with text and audio information. Ideas - a tablet PC fitted with a motion sensor (already in Wii and iphone) could be combined with a map for directions (fieldtrips?) and information about exhibits.

Michael Punt (Faculty of Technology) talked about 'Panoramas of Time: Cinema, Phantom Rides (shot as though seeing through actor's eyes) and Hale's Tours (similar to Phantom Rides but with more sensory - eg. cool breeze on ankles). He showed an extract of 'Letter from an Unknown Woman' which illustrated a fairground attraction - the view from a train window changes courtesy of an old man cycling...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the report, always good to see what others 'pick up' from a set of presentations. I am kind of amazed you found the 'recollections of a tent' installation.

flea said...

Thanks for leaving a comment Aldo - I'm amazed you've found this blog! Your presentations were very inspiring - I experimented myself with anamorphic art and creating panoramics when I was a student, though never together, and had never even thought of panoramic videos. Hopefully we can start experimenting here, though for work we would have to think about whether these would have any educational value... Any ideas welcome :o)

Unknown said...

It's a Google moment ;-)

Did you happen to write down the URL of the videos that were shot of the sessions at the conference? I forgot (and Google is not doing it's magic for me this time)

flea said...

Sure did, as unfortunately I missed most of it! The videos are available at